Wednesday, 1 December 2010

1st December 2010

Well now there is 24 days until christmas and only 31 until the beginning of a new year!

I personally can not wait for next year, i am determind to make it a much better one than the one which has just passed! I know i tend to say it every year but i think i am finally beginning to realise i am the only one who can change my future and i need to stop letting the shit from the past few years control what i do even it is unintentional.

I cant wait to move, and i WILL get a job, a proper one thats full time, not part-time or voluntary and no more letting ppl walk all over me getting what they want at my expense! Im fed up of ppl dictating to me how my life should be cause im nice and dont want to tell them where to stick it incase i hurt their feelings, its become pretty clear no-one gives my feelings the same consideration.

Sounds a little like im on a rant but i am actually feeling very positive, for the first time in a long time i know what i want and the steps to achieve it the only person who can stop me now is me so i say BRING IT ON!

Anyway i am going to go and watch an episode of Fringe!

TC xx