Monday, 31 August 2009

Good Morning....

Well.. today is my last painting day hopefully, only got the doors to do woop woop then i will upload some before and after piccies :) Feeling fairly energetic today which is good cause i have loads of tidying up to do as a result of the decorating :P

There is a song by La Roux called Cover my Eyes.. i love it, i think i have had it repeating for about almost 2 days now haha, something about the words and melody i really is a little sample of the lyrics.

No wonder I'm scared
To look in your eyes
You've turned me away
So many times
You can take it away
At any given moment
It's hard to believe
While you're in this disguise

So would you hold me please
I'm trying hard to breathe
I'm just surviving
So would you hold me please
I'm trying hard to breathe
Stop me from crying

When I see you walking with her
I have to cover my eyes
(I have to cover my eyes)
Every time you leave with her
Something inside me dies
(Something inside of me dies)

No wonder it hurts
To sit by your side
(Turned me away so many times)
There's a different song
I can play you tonight
(We don't have to sit here in silence)
We can break the pattern
We can change the colour
(It's just a little sacrifice)
You don't need to worry about the others
(It's all in your mind)

I recommed u have a listen :D

Anyway i must go to the shop before i get covered in paint again, Bye:)


Sunday, 30 August 2009


Well i am sat eating a strawberry muller fruit corner and i am covered in paint while writing this. I have an hour to kill before i can apply a second coat of paint to my walls. The kids went back to their dads this morning so i can finally get stuck in properly:)

Its been an odd day today, i am in a strange mood, not happy, not bad but a little sad, bored and fed up. I think i decent nights sleep which i hope i will get tonight. I really hope i manage to get the walls finished today. Then it will leave tomorrow and Wed to do all the glossing in here. I cant do the ceilings cause it makes me feel sick and i get dizzy so they wil have to stay that yukky colour till i can convince someone to come and do it for me hehe.

I am really liking La Roux's album, so many good songs on there, i have been having it on all day today so far hehe, i will probably be sick of it in a few hours when i have over played it and know the songs word for word.
Anyway going to go get cracking with some preperation for the next phase of Emma's Redecoration Remedy!

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Something we all should live by!!!!

Yes Please!

Just watched X Factor with the kids, there was a guy on called Jamie he was brilliant.. defo getting my vote so far, about time we had someone like this on....
Hope you enjoy as much as i did!!!!

The Aries Woman! Its Me!

My starsign sums me up perfectly!
THE ARIES WOMAN: independent, courageous, impulsive, always active, busy! If any woman can get along without a man, it is an Aries woman. She can do everything for herself, making it difficult for her to find the strong man she needs for romance. Aries women are most often involved in careers, and yet they can manage career, home and family well at the same time. She usually gets what she wants, one way or the other. IN LOVE, the Aries woman is attracted to a man who behaves in a dominant, forceful manner. Any show of insecurity turns her off immediately.

Positive Aspects: Adventurous and energetic,
Pioneering and courageous,
Enthusiastic and confident,
Dynamic and quick-witted.

Negative Aspects: Selfish and quick-tempered,
Impulsive and impatient,
Foolhardy and daredevil,

One of my Fav Poems

I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:                                       
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,                   
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
William Wordsworth

De Novo

De Novo = Starting afresh

So... we broke up in the end, suprisingly im not half as upset as i thought i would be, maybe its the fact it had been coming and i had got all that crying over with before it even hit. Were going to remain friends though, we are probably the only 2 who like the stuff we do without finding each other weird lol. I am so happy we will remain in each others lives in a more positive way. Its sad whats happened but also good:)

Im feeling really positive lately. Starting uni, more focus on my goals and my dreams and i have a great drive to find what i want from a job. Although that one aspect of my life hasnt worked out i have the determination to work on the rest with a new found passion.

I have been redecorating the living room, it was this horrid mushroom brown the landlady had done about 8 years ago, i have gone for a fresh crisp white and a light blue called Oxygen, im hoping to get the kitchen and bathroom done too. The kids have been great helping out altho very messy haha.

I have been watching Sex and the City, i was never into it only saw a few episodes but i watched the movie and really enjoyed it so i have downloaded all 6 series and i am half way through the 2nd one now, i didnt realise how funny it was.

Well anyways thats all for now cant wait for September to start Uni and start writing articles in the CND magazine that will get published. Woop Woop.

Sunday, 23 August 2009


I wish i could think straight ARGH!

I was thinking maybe i should suggest some time apart give us time to breathe without ending everything. Maybe, just maybe then we can start to figure out where we go from here, what we want as a couple and what we want as individuals. I wish there was a book or person you could go to to tell you what your decisions should be when its impossible to make them yourself.

Gonna start reading a book tonight called Size Matters by Judy Astley.. i could use some fantasy time!!...

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Not all is as it seems

So...things are not so great right now, but i will get to that part in a minute. First of all it looks like i will be going back to uni in a mth to do the criminology masters which is great, doing it part time over 2 years so it wont affect my job hunting or victim support work. Now to the crappy part.. me and my boyfriend arnt getting on so well, not sure if were together or not, mainly not sure if he wants to be with me, he feels we probably wont have a future together as he doesnt really wanna think about it which its crap for me cause i thought after 2 yrs he would know. Im not looking for any commitment like moving in together or marriage, just to simply know we are going somewhere together. So at this moment i have many things to decide... do i break my own heart now or let him break it later :(
My head is truely up my ass on this one...i love him but i cant force him to want to be with me and im not going to wait another 2 yrs for him to figure it out

I think i need some TLC, Girly films and chocie to get me through the next few days!


Sunday, 2 August 2009

Catch Up....

Hey Hey.

Well what have i been up too since i last posted?... Well to start with my boyfriend came over from Denmark and we had a lovely time. The weather was great and we spent lots of time at the beach getting so burnt we looked like lobsters hehe and we went to the cinema to watch the new Transformers movie ( n
umber 2) it was really good.

Since he went back home i have been looking at jobs in Canada and doing research into living and working there, i think its going to take me a long time to figure it all out.

I joined an organisation called CND which campaign for nuclear disarmament, i also have wrote some letters
to my MP about the issue.

The children are on holiday now from school, we went to the Sea Life Centre the other day to see the sharks and things, the weather was really rubbish but we had a nice day, at least those 2 did anyway. The moon Jelly fish and Seahorses are so cute!

I have been catching up on films i have not seen but have wanted too : Van Wilder 1 & 2, Bride Wars, Journey to the Centre of the Earth and some others. I watched Haunting in Conneticut today apparently based on a true story, i thought it was really good.

Thats abo
ut it really! :)